from Malaysia Flip Flop by Dian “Government will not burden people” such beautiful and creative words befitting a worthless man who only knows how to hide behind Rosmah’s butt. From past experience Mahathir had increase the prices for fuel, rice, flour and sugar once or twice a year. Pak Lah broke the record and increase it four times and decrease a little bit after much protest from the people within a year and now Najib twice within a year but this is the highest for sugar at 25 sen per kg. To the elite clan connected to UMNO what is 25 sen to them when they can pay RM2000 for a fuck. This increase, the media and MPs like Khairy can fuck themselves to psycho the people that it is good in the long run, can get themselves burn. The people have not forgotten the increase of transport fare, the many taxis in Nazri’s and Khairy’s hands. The APs given to Rafidah’s lovers and Naza group, The floating Submarines, PKFZ, Pudu Jail land, Sungei Besi Land, The present Agong resi...