I wanna fvck you ... Beautiful song (click for video)

Easy Lay


Zina (Arabic: الزنا‎ ) in Islam is extramarital sex and premarital sex. Islamic law prescribes punishments for Muslim men and women for the act of Zina.

Islamic law considers this prohibition to be for the protection of men and women and for the respect of marriage. Zina is considered one of the great sins in Islam. In addition to the punishments rendered before death, sinners are punished severely after death, unless purged of their sins by a punishment according to shari'a law.

Islamic law prescribes stoning as the punishment for adultery committed by a married person, while the punishment for an unmarried adulterer is eighty lashes . The source for the punishment of an unmarried adulterer is the Quran, while the sources for the punishment of the married adulterer is found in the ahadith.

The term zina signifies voluntary sexual intercourse between a man and a woman not married to one another, irrespective of whether one or both of them are married to other persons or not: hence, it does not - in contrast with the usage prevalent in most Western languages - differentiate between the concepts of "adultery" (i.e., sexual intercourse of a married man with a woman other than his wife, or of a married woman with a man other than her husband) and "fornication" (i.e., sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons).

This is the explanation given in the wikipedia.

Hot news in the market is Sinful who supposedly had been liwat by Anwar is involved in zina with one of the prosecutor Farah Azlina Latif involved in the ongoing trial Sodomy 2.

It is when one do not believe in Karma that embarrasses the top arrogant leaders.

Today I am not going to be angry with Rosmah or Mahani but rather Shahrizat the prostitute Minister for Women, Family and Community Development.

As a Minister, Shahrizat should have some moral sense in her head. Being a mamak it is understandable her desire for sex is higher than most women of other races but to do so openly without shame is outrages to her own family, the mamak and muslim community and especially women.

Recently I was shown pictures of Shahrizat with her unmarried boyfriend mating. It is bad enough she opens her legs to every tom, dick and harry but do you need to video tape and have pictures taken.

When Elizabeth Wong had pictures of her taken while she was resting. The rascals in UMNO jumped for joy and even paid Elizabeth's ex-boyfriend to live and hide comfortably. Now, Shahrizat being a Minister, married Muslim woman did one better by making herself famous in a porno video.

So aren’t we lucky to have a Chinese Porno King by the name of Chua otherwise known as MCA President. A Mamak Muslim Porno Queen by the name of Shahrizat who represent the Indian and Malay Community otherwise known as Wanita UMNO Chief.

"What the children need are love, care and guidance," Shahrizat told a media conference after a briefing on the ministry's social entrepreneurial programme to elected representatives and government agencies in Johor on July 26 2010.

So we must now demand an explanation from Shahrizat what kind of love, care and guidance she is giving to her three children and husband Salleh by fucking around.
When is Shahrizat going to stop fucking around? When the guards in Parliament told me there were videos of her getting fucked by Mahathir it was hard to believe until I saw them. Now this.

I feel sorry for her family since I know them personally but this is the sorry state of affair running in most MUSLIM HOMES today.

So far I had the pleasure of viewing Rosmah, Mahani, Eusoff Chin, Mahathir, Musa, Chua, Elizabeth, Shahrizat, Royalty etc.....................................in natural form, such boring and ugly sight except for the incredible dog fucking in Jalan Ritchie.


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