Whore by night
from Malaysia Flip Flop

Din Merican wrote: DPP Farah Azlina who wears the tudung, one would expect she would have a certain aversion to a man who publicly claimed to have been sodomised. Well, obviously this woman DPP is not very discerning. On the other hand, Sinful, a strong young man in his late 20s, who says he was overpowered by a 60+ old man to the point of being sodomised, obviously could not restrain his own manly urge, such that even a tudung clad DPP of Farah Azlina’s appearance could tempt. It is as if there is divine intervention to show the cracks in the prosecution’s case.
Surprisingly not a whisper can be heard from the Religious Department, Sultans or UMNO and not forgetting Ibrahim Ali. Very strong silent indeed when RPK broke the news.
What the heck as long as Sinful is capable front and back even Zahid is tempted to try.
Wearing tudung is one’s choice and should not be forced. In government schools most of the teachers insist girls must use the tudung. I have voice my complaints several times but the teachers are deaf. To them wearing a tudung is a must for Muslim and a sign of obedience to Allah. So I had to compromise and told my girls that they take it off the minute the school is over and never ever let me see them wearing it in public. If later in life my girls chooses to wear the tudung it is okay but never ever force it upon a person. I do not care what a person wears as long as you do not behave like a hypocrite.
There are many girls and women like DPP Farah who uses the tudung and commit adultery at night.
Let me share with you the story of a billionaire’s daughter who came back from America after many years overseas. I am not sure why she uses the tudung, as both her parents have an understanding of open sex. Her mum likes mat salleh and her father any hole will do.
During the day she is timid and does not mix and talk with her father’s staff. People who do not know her would think she is a shy and innocent girl. It was during her stay with me that shock me. Every night she would go out and bring home a man. The long session in progress with all the moaning did worry me and eventually I had to complain to her father that it would be good if she left my house and to marry her off.
Today she is the director of several companies married with three kids. Like Rosmah she too enjoyed the company of Deepak until her father and stepmother pulled the plug. But what the heck there are many more young bulls in Lake Club etc..............to satisfy her needs. Her husband enjoys the company of artistes............................. what a life.
What is the Religious Department doing? Fiddling with their balls until they can catch an opposition in action...................