Why do we do wrong?

from Malaysia Flip Flop

Till this day I get very upset and hot over the wrong actions of those I know. It is a relief that I can show my frustration on the net, otherwise my poor children are the ones who have to burden my yakking. Now one of them is specializing in psychology thanks to me.

I know I am not perfect but most time I question myself before doing anything concerning friendship and money. Is this person a friend I love and care about or someone that is passing by? Money! Is it worth it? Because of this I let go off valued friends and money rather than hold them.

Few years back my father passed away leaving an inheritance of a couple million. Under the law I have the right to the money. At that time my family were going through a very bad period. I needed the money badly. Funny though when my siblings asked me how much of the inheritance I wanted I told them to keep it and fight among themselves. I will not use my religion or connection to fight them. They were surprised. I felt that money did not belong to me in the first place or was part of my life. I hope that my children after reading this will forgive me.

My life experience had been quite extraordinary and special. I have them all without wealth and position in my name. Weird but it’s true. I want to continue doing so till I died.

Few months back I was told by various people about my neighbour who holds the money for a surau nearby. Apparently this surau has RM2mil in the kitty. So this neighbour of mine put the money in fixed deposit under his name. The deposited sum had mature and he took the interest and bought a shop lot in Johore for his son. Then the balance sum he transferred it to India through his nephew who is a money changer. My neighbour had already left for India to buy property there. Though the sum of RM2mil is already back in the kitty, what he did with the money was wrong. I did ask around why should only 1 man holds the money for the surau. Should it not be by a committee? I hope someone can answer me. What happens if my neighbour had taken the whole sum and left this country with his family? RM2mil is a big fortune and one can live till death with that sum. I still do not understand how a person can pray five times a day and steal without conscience.


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