Omegay: Dakwat kekal - sapu jek kat muka amiga! kehkehkeh

Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat semalam menolak penggunaan sistem biometrik dicadangkan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) pada pilihan raya umum akan datang, sekali gus bercanggah dengan kenyataan Mursyidul Amnya, Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat yang menyokong penggunaan sistem berkenaan.

Keputusan itu dibuat kerana sistem biometrik didakwa tidak mampu untuk menghalang daripada seseorang individu mengundi lebih daripada sekali, selain sistem berkenaan dikatakan gagal mengatasi beberapa kelemahan yang ada kini.

Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Husam Musa, berkata selagi SPR gagal untuk membersihkan senarai nama pemilih seperti dikehendaki, maka penggunaan sistem biometrik akan membuka lebih luas ruang kepada berlakunya penipuan dalam pilihan raya. - BH

sebelum ini baca petikan Pengerusi SPRR, Wan Ahmad

Indelible ink is backward practice

According to Wan Ahmad, Bersihs demand that indelible ink be used to prevent voter fraud would make a mockery of Malaysias development, not to mention spark chaos on election day.

Countries that use indelible ink are countries like Indonesia, India, Zambia and Zimbabwe, he pointed out. These are countries with more than double the population size of Malaysia and where not all its citizens own identification cards.

These countries are not up to our level so why should we adopt their system? This is a choice between progression and regression.

Wan Ahmad also raised the possibilty of voters not wanting their fingers ! inked an d questioned if they would then be barred from voting.

Disqualifying them would go against their rights, he said. I also heard that indelible ink can be easily obtained from Thailand. What if voters ink their fingers themselves before casting their vote? Can you imagine the chaos that will erupt when they are barred from voting?

He added that the reason behind this demand was a concern that one voter would cast two votes and insisted that this was almost impossible.

A voter is only registered under one MyKad number and cant use two different numbers to vote twice, he asserted. Furthermore we will soon be introducing a bio-metric system to match a voters thumbprint to that on his MyKad. With these measures indelible ink is unnecessary.

Baca pula artikel dari portal The Philippine Star di bawah:

Comelec testing higher nitrate solution for indelible ink
By Mayen Jaymalin (The Philippine Star) Updated March 18, 2010 12:00 AM Comments (0)

MANILA, Philippines - Commission on Elections Commissioner Gregorio Larrazabal reported yesterday that the poll body is testing a higher nitrate solution for the indelible ink to make it stick and mark the nail of the voters index finger for several days to prevent flying voters from undermining the coming May 10 elections.

Larrazabal said the Comelec plans to put more nitrate solution due to complaints in the past elections that the indelible ink could be easily removed and allow erring voters to vote several times. klik untuk bacaan seterusnya

aku pernah keluarkan satu posting berkaitan tuntutan 8 perkara bershit sebelum ni. salah satunya ialah ketidak relevanan penggunaan dakwat kekal. klik sini. alasan aku mudah. majoriti penduduk malaysia beragama islam.

Bayangkan kalau mereka juga menuntut agar bancuhan bahan dakwat di tambah supaya kekal berhari2 (sebab tu fuckatan demand kat spr lanjutkan tempoh berkempen selama 21 hari!) konon2 untuk mengelak penipuan undi 2 kali .

kalau penggunaan dakwat kekal di teruskan, macam mana orang islam nak solat? sedangkan badan bertatu nak bersolat pun haram!. SPR tak perlu tunduk dengan tuntutan kapir harbi ambiga yang mengarut tu!.

Teruskan saja penggunaan Biometrik, kerana itu lebih effisyen disebabkan butir2 pengundi berpandukan data2 dari JPN. Tu pasal SPR kerap mengingatkan pengundi agar SEMAK nama2 di laman web yang di sediakan oleh SPR supaya data mereka dapat di kemaskini >:D


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