Omegay: Dana luar bantu fuckatan guling kerajaan!

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Centre for Independent Journalism
To improve the free flow of information and foster communication rights in Malaysia. The Center for Independent Journalism will produce a news and information radio show as well as launch advocacy campaigns to promote communication rights throughout Malaysia.

International Republican Institute
To increase the effectiveness and improve the skills of human rights educators in Malaysia and to strengthen linkages between mainstream and alternative press journalists. IRI will work with Pusat Komas and the Strategic Information and Research Development to organize two training-of-trainers workshops on the use of popular education techniques in human rights education work and to organize forums for media professionals from both the mainstream and alternative media to discuss cross-cutting issues and concerns.

International Republican Institute
To increase political parties' understanding of constituent needs, encourage open discussion between parties and civil society organizations, and strengthen the capacity of a domestic election monitoring organization. IRI will commission national level polls to gauge the public's sentiment on key public policy issues and present the findings to the political parties; assist in the organization of a conference on democracy and electoral reform; and provide organizational capacity-building support to the domestic election monitoring group, Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
To improve the effectiveness of political parties in constituent outreach, message development and communications, and to encourage dialogue among political parties, civil society, and the public on issues of electoral reform in Malaysia. NDI will work to strengthen parties' communications skills and support efforts to involve citizens, civil society groups, and all major parties in advocacy on issues of electoral reform in preparation for the 2008 national elections.

Open Dialogue Centre
To promote greater political participation among urban youth in Malaysia. The Open Dialogue Centre will organize discussion seminars on social and political issues with prominent democracy advocates and publish a journal featuring issues relating to democracy and youth.

Southeast Asian Press Alliance
To strengthen independent media in Malaysia. SEAPA will support the development of media outlets providing professional, responsible coverage of issues and news often ignored or distorted by the mainstream media, and conduct informal consultations with journalists committed to enhancing journalistic professionalism.

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram)
To promote human rights in Malaysia. Suaram will organize human rights campaigns on the issues of police accountability, participatory democracy, and the right to trial. Each campaign will include the publication of an in-depth report, special briefings for influential government and civil society leaders, and grassroots education in the form of posters and pamphlets. Suaram will also continue to issue its annual survey and evaluation of the human rights situation in Malaysia.! ia

International Republican Institute (IRI)
To enhance the ability of Malaysian political parties to better represent their constituents. IRI will strengthen the ability of parties to conduct and utilize public opinion research in platform, policy, strategy, and message development, and will strengthen the ability of parties working in Sarawak to identify and respond to constituent needs in advance of the upcoming state assembly elections.

Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd
To strengthen independent media in Malaysia. Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd will support the development of an online media outlet providing professional and responsible coverage of issues and news often ignored or distorted by the mainstream media.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
To strengthen the skills of recently-elected members of parliament and state legislatures in communications, constituent outreach, and understanding of parliamentary rules and procedures. NDI will work with local organizations to create public platforms including civic information fairs, public discussion forums, and websites to facilitate interaction between citizens and elected officials.

Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd (SUARAM)
To promote human rights in Malaysia. Suaram will organize human rights campaigns on the issues of the Internal Security Act, the right to trial, refugees, and migrant workers. Suaram will also continue to issue its annual survey and evaluation of the human rights situation in Malaysia.

Bukti senarai NGO2 di malaysia yang mendapat dana luar negara...patut la diorang mampu bayar saman!


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